NLP for personal growth is a marvelous way to unlock personal potential. NLP skills help us in holistic personal growth. To improve the 4 dimensions of our personality physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual so that we can be happier.
NLP is one of the ways to personal growth. There are many more ways, for example, say meditation. If you meditate, you may like to check out Meditation vs NLP. Despite the many options available, and NLP being considered only as a pseudo-science, it is a very useful set of techniques for personal growth.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a popular technology used to understand the language of our own mind and then change the programming of our mind to achieve accelerated growth.
NLP provides practical ways in which you can change the way that you think, view past events, and approach your life. These skills can be applied in a wide range of contexts such as leading, managing, supervising, appraising, interviewing, selling, training, presenting, and more.
Getting Started With Personal Growth Using NLP

NLP For Personal Growth
Techniques Used in NLP for Personal Growth
Once we understand our mind stuff in terms of particular sensations, emotions, or thoughts, we can fine-tune aspects that are hampering our personal growth. Some of these techniques help us understand how we process information in our minds. Then there are patterns that combine one or more of these techniques to help us with a particular challenge we are facing in life, say decision-making, procrastination, phobia, relationships, etc.
- Affirmations
- Anchoring
- Attitude Change
- Belief Change
- Body Language
- Deletions
- Disassociation
- Dissolving Bad Memories
- Distortions
- Double Disassociation
- Exploding Bad Memories
- Fast Phobia Cure
- Forming Outcomes
- Future Pacing
- Generalizations
- Incantations
- Induction
- Language Patterns
- Magic Words
- Matching
- Mental Rehearsal
- Meta-modeling
- Milton Model
- Mirroring
- Modalities
- Modeling
- Neurological Levels or Logical Levels
- NLP Presuppositions
- Outcome Frame
- Pacing
- Pattern Interrupts or Loop Breaking
- Perceptual Positions
- Rapport
- Reframing
- Self-Appreciation or Self-Compassion
- State Management
- Strategies
- Story Telling
- Sub Modalities
- Swish
- Time Line
- Value Change
- Visual Squash
Application of NLP Techniques
NLP is useful for personal growth. Since each one of us has a multi-dimensional personality, the application of NLP extends to all aspects of our life.
Let’s say we get better at communication. Communication influences our personal relationships, our careers, our business, and anything you can think of. You may now look at improving communication for sales, writing or presentations, or public speaking.
Improving Rapport helps in connecting with people. It can help in personal relationships, sales, networking or even dating for some people.
If we are stuck somewhere, we may need the help of pattern interrupt, state management, anchoring, a swish pattern, or maybe a decision-making technique like visual squash.
Find a Trainer or Coach to help you learn NLP
For example, Rakesh Gupta an author on this website is a trainer of NLP certified by the National Federation of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NFNLP). NFNLP was created in the early 1990s claims to be the 2nd oldest NLP certifying body for NLP started by Dr. William Horton. They maintain a list of trainers in the USA & other countries.
Dr. Richard Bandler the co-founder of NLP, we believe formed the first certifying body of NLP, the Society of NLP(SNLP) in 1978. You can review their list of licensed trainers here.
The Association of NLP(ANLP) was initially formed as a membership organization in 1985 which has subsequently changed. Their list of accredited trainers is available here.
The International Trainers Academy(ITA), was formed by John Grinder the co-founder of NLP in 2006. Their list of trainers is available here.
There are many more such organizations that certify trainers and these trainers then teach NLP.
You may look at group workshops or personal coaching.
We personally believe that certification alone is not enough. The person is more important than the certificate. Next is the availability of the trainer. Mutually convenient times. Most importantly you should choose a trainer you believe can help you.
Some Articles to Learn NLP
8 NLP Success Factors to Get What You Want
Mystery to Mind Mastery – 3 Mind Models for Mental Growth
6-Step PECSAW Goal Setting for Powerful Well-formed Outcomes
PACER Goal Setting: Powerful Well-formed Outcomes in 5 Steps
Powerful Well Formed Outcomes – 3 Useful NLP Goal-Setting Models
Use NLP for Personal Growth – Be No.1 Self