Many of us want to lose weight so that can feel better physically and mentally. Restricted diets or excessive exercise are not sustainable. What if we can eat everything yet lose weight?
We live in a world where people are underweight and overweight. In some countries, malnutrition is still a reality whereas, in many countries with abundance, obesity is a crisis.
There are various challenges to weight loss. For some people, weight loss could be very simple, whereas others may have to understand the complexity of weight loss to find a solution.
Making it Easy to Lose Weight
How to Lose Weight?
Our lifestyle habits determine our weight. Eating Habits like what we eat, and how much we eat determine our intake. Metabolism and exercise determine how much energy is expended. Rest is needed for the body to recover.
Free Resources to Lose Weight
You can go through the free resources herein to aid your weight management and other goals in life. There are various aspects involved in mastering weight loss or weight management for anyone who is not in control of their desired weight. It involves Knowledge, Mindset, Behavior Change, Will Power, and Self-Awareness. Besides one is required to have Outcome Focus and persevere despite weight cycling until mastery is achieved.
5 Pillars of Weight Loss gives a brief idea about the main lifestyle-related habits that influence weight loss.
Some Videos To Help You Lose Weight
We have some videos to get you started.
Learning to Lose Weight From the Book -Eat Everything Yet Lose Weight
Now to answer whether yes read more on how we can eat everything yet lose weight or download the book. Read, Learn, and implement lifestyle changes appropriate for you and achieve your weight loss goals. The book takes the reader through the 4 phases of mastering the weight management journey.
Amazon. in Kindle Edition OR Kindle & Paperback Editions
Assisted Learning to Lose Weight
A weight loss coach is a health and wellness professional who helps people achieve their weight loss goals. They provide guidance, support, education, and accountability as clients work to make lifestyle changes to reach their desired weight. They may also provide nutrition and exercise advice, and suggest ways to stay motivated and motivated. Weight loss coaches can help individuals to set realistic goals, create a plan to reach those goals, and provide ongoing support.
This journey can take time and hence we have kept the information spread out into 4 phases to help you pace your learning.
Read and Learn – 4 Phases to Weight Loss Mastery
We wish to make it easier to learn about the challenges and tips to overcome weight management challenges. Taking action is key to change and mere reading will not help much. 4 Phases of Weight Loss is a journey of weight loss from initial struggles to mastery.
The 4 phases of our learning cycle, until we master our weight management, are:
- Struggle Phase
- Learning Phase
- Self-Growth Phase
- Mastery Phase of Weight Loss

1. Struggle Phase of Weight Loss
Some people crash diet and lose weight and regain it once they resume their normal diet. Yo-Yo Weight Loss or Weight Cycling is a term used by nutritionists when we lose weight and regain it. Sometimes one may gain more weight than what was initially lost.
Our environment plays an important role in our well-being. There have been periods in human history when food has been scarce. Malnutrition had been a main concern in the 20th century. With the greater availability of food, obesity has been on the rise. With increased availability, we have been making poor eating choices of either eating more or eating the wrong kind of food.
Personal mindset influences our attitudes, choices, actions, and final outcomes. Our mindset influences our actions. Our actions influence the results. We need to learn what we need to learn to create a personal mindset that makes it easier and natural for us to manage our weight.
Short-term Approach(Quick Fix Mindset) to Weight Loss
Many people want quick-fix strategies to lose weight. They are happy to adopt a popular strategy and follow the plan to achieve the desired results in a short time frame.
Popular Diet Plan Approach
The problem with most of many popular diet plans is that.
- They provide short-term benefits. Once a person goes back to eating what they used to them will regain the weight they have lost.
- One may not want to give up eating certain types of foods.
- One may have to make radical changes.
A fad diet will only produce short-term results. A plan that can be sustained long-term like a lifestyle would be the best option.
When selecting a diet plan, it is important to consider individual needs, goals, and lifestyles. A balanced meal with a variety of healthy whole foods is the best way to begin.
The “WAR” mindset
- [W] Whatever it takes to Achieve.
- [A] Any Consequences.
- [R] Results may be temporary.
The “CHIP” Action Plan
- [C] Cut Inches or kilograms/Pounds.
- [H] Heavy Changes – Diet and/or Exercise.
- [I] Immediate Results.
- [P] Popular Method Selection.
Exercise alone is not a sustainable weight loss solution. 5 Reasons Why Exercise Shouldn’t be a Tool for weight loss
Short Term Strategies like popular diet plans, WAR mindset, or the CHIP action plan give short-term results. Long-term strategies are needed to achieve lasting results.
One may be struggling with weight loss, yet the person thinks that they already know what needs to be done. For such an overconfident individual who is not open to learning, change is difficult.
The first thing required to come out of the struggle phase is a change in mindset.
Eat Right and Move More is a simple mantra to get started.
Food journaling is another useful method to adopt and become aware of what we are eating.
One must accept the need to learn the skills and commit to applying the learnings. Unless there is a strong desire to learn, moving to the learning stage is difficult, or in other words, becoming aware of what needs to be done will be hard to come.
2. Learning Phase of Weight Loss
5 Pillars of Weight Loss give us an idea of the important factors that influence weight loss. A mindset of learning and min habit changes with an outcome focus is what is needed to develop sustainable good habits.
We should continue to learn from the resources available to expand our Weight Loss Body of Knowledge (WBOK) Resources whether it is psychology or nutrition.
Weight loss is a complex and multidisciplinary topic with a large body of knowledge. There are several areas of research including nutrition, psychology, physiology, and exercise science.
Understanding the 3Ps of our personality, the physical need for energy, the psychological aspect of emotional hunger, and the programmed tendencies or bad habits helps us identify the mini-habit changes we need to make.
Psychology plays an important role in achieving a sustainable weight management lifestyle. One has to have the right mindset and develop lifestyle habits that lead to sustainable results. One has to learn to Overcome Psychological Barriers to Weight Loss if any.
Body composition and nutrition are closely related. Nutrition is essential for maintaining healthy body composition. Food provides the body with the energy and nutrients it needs to function properly. Adequate nutrition helps to support muscle growth and development. The foods we consume can affect body composition in both positive and negative ways. Nutrition is an important factor in weight loss, and research has shown that a balanced diet with a variety of healthy whole foods is key to successful weight loss. Dietary changes and supplements may be needed to provide better nutrition for the body.
Information alone does not lead to success. We can gain some knowledge with our own direct experiences.
Working with an outcome-based plan, along with mini-habit changes and listening to our body for feedback become essential components to maximize learning from our direct experiences.
Listen to the Body
Pain is the feedback that the body gives in response to imbalances. It can be a physical or emotional imbalance. We need to listen to the pain in our bodies.
Weight is an indicator that is used to assess the risk to our physical health. it is not an indicator of physical fitness. When we think holistically, we realize that physical fitness is required for doing the things that we want to do. We need to take care of our Physical Fitness which is more important and will help us take care of our weight to some extent.
Our physiological systems give us the signals for thirst, hunger, and fatigue. We need to understand them so that we can take adequate water. Eat food when hungry and take rest when trying to maintain your physical body. Hunger is the body’s natural urge to replenish its food stores over the course of a day or two.
We need to Listen to Hunger and understand hunger. Some of the body’s signals for hunger are:
- Feeling emptiness in the stomach
- The stomach makes gurgling or rumbling noises.
- Feeling Dizzy, faint, or light-headedness
- Headaches
- Unable to Concentrate.
- Feeling Irritable
- Feeling Nausea
Outcome-based flexible plan
The outcome focus for a weight loss strategy would be to know where you are. and where you want to be. The next part is to identify what changes we would make in our behavior to achieve our goals. – “Take Action.”
Taking action is important, and taking the right actions is even more important. To do so we need to incorporate feedback into our plans and keep it flexible.
A method for sustainable weight management as opposed to quick-fix approaches.
- What is the desired outcome?
- Listen to Your Body
- Flexibility in Behavior to Achieve Goal. Pick a few Mini Habits.
- “Take Action.”
Outcome Based flexible planning is a good tool to get results. One should make it more often so that it becomes a habit and part of our lifestyle.
Mini Habit Changes
A mindset of changing the lifestyle one mini habit at a time.
5 Habits for Healthy Living to Learn from Birds
Once we are open to learning and applying what we have learned, we may succeed in a few things and may not do so well in some cases. This is perfectly normal as mistakes are bound to happen in the learning process.
Once we have successfully changed a few habits and become successful in achieving some weight loss we have started making progress. When we become aware of a few more habits that might be a little bit more challenging to change, we are ready to move on to the self-growth phase.
3. Self-Growth Phase of Weight Loss
When someone is obese and they make changes to their diet and lifestyle, they may see substantial weight loss. For obese people, it is important to remain consistent with the new sustainable habits that they have formed.
Once the weight loss starts to plateau, we have to dig deeper into our habits. We have to look at ourselves holistically and understand what is best for our health.
We could take some time to understand things like:
- What is the fitness we need?
- What is the role of exercise in good health?
- How our lifestyle affects our body clock?
- 8 Principles for Good Health
- Sleep Tips: 10 Simple Tips to Help You Fall Asleep
- Fasting for Better Health
- 3 Most Popular Methods of Intermittent Fasting
- Improved Gut Health and Body Clock Synchronization with Intermittent Fasting
- 4 Free Weight Loss Aids
We have to develop a mindset of doing what is best for us. Good may no longer be enough. Identifying some mini habits to change will help us to move towards our desired weight. Some areas to look for identify mini-habit changes are
- Food Substitution
- Reducing Hunger
- Exercise
- Reducing stress, thereby reducing stress-related eating disorders
- You will find101+ mini habits to change once you begin.
One of the common challenges is emotional eating and we have to learn to be more mindful of our emotions and emotional responses.
Dealing with Emotional Eating
We need to learn to differentiate between actual hunger and projected hunger. Actual hunger is when the body is demanding that we feed it for it to be able to function. When we are not in touch with our body’s system, we may confuse ourselves and we may be eating when not hungry. If we eat more than what our body needs, we are obviously going to put on weight. Over a period, we may have developed habitual patterns which have resulted in a gradual increase in our weight over the years. We have to learn to distinguish between Hunger and Habitual Eating.
To prevent or overcome emotional eating, it is important to identify the underlying cause and develop healthier coping strategies, such as exercising, meditating, or talking to a friend. Additionally, it is important to practice mindful eating and to be aware of your body’s hunger signals. We have to learn to Differentiate Actual Hunger From Projected Hunger
We may have managed to lose /attain our weight goal. However, when the environment is not conducive or when we are off guard, we tend to regain some of the weight. We can now attain our goal if we really want to, with the knowledge we have, but it needs focus and effort. Mastery is still elusive.
4. Mastery Phase of Weight Loss
Our weight is not a constant number. Even with a constant diet and exercise regime, it can change. It can change because of age, metabolism or social events, or other reasons. We need to improve on aspects like
- Plan to Minimize Weight Cycling
- Reducing the Gap between Knowledge and Execution
- Develop a mindset of Self Love.
- Flexibility in behavior
- Auto Pilot Weight Management Learnings
Weight Cycling
Weight loss may be followed by weight gain. This is a common occurrence and is termed weight cycling. If we have learned outcome-based planning, implementing mini-habit changes, and listening to our bodies, we can get our weight back on track. However, effort is needed again and again.
- We can Gain Knowledge to Minimize Weight Cycling
- Awareness of Changes in Metabolism
- What is the science behind weight loss?
- Other Factors Affecting Weight.
Can we reduce weight cycling and master weight management? We do not want to keep overthinking weight management as we have many more things to do in life. Our subconscious mind takes care of most of the things that we need. What if we can gradually push weight management habits on autopilot so that it becomes effortless?
Reducing the Gap between Knowledge and Execution
We can learn from our experiences of weight cycling and identify the areas of improvement. We can specifically look at the following areas of personal improvement.
- Improve our own Decision Making with respect to lifestyle, habits, diet, and exercise.
- Integrate our own personality – Alignment using Neurological levels of Change /Influence can help
- Improve listening to Body & Mind.
- Eat Mindfully
Improve Planning to Minimize Weight Cycling
If there is a gap in our understanding of weight management ourself, we can review our thoughts and come up with a set of rules to which we would like to adhere to master weight management. Fine-tuning our Own Thoughts, Values, Beliefs, and Attitude toward weight management, diet, and exercise is important as habits are ultimately a product of our thoughts.
We can come up with Personalized Weight Management Precepts that can help us regulate our own behavior.
Develop a mindset of Self Love
We are emotional beings and despite the best intent and knowledge, we may be swayed by our emotions. We may have to look at these areas to improve our emotional health and thereby gain mastery of our weight management skills.
- Self-Love and Weight Management
- Self-Care
- Prayer
- Emotional Healing
Flexibility in behavior
In a controlled environment, our behavior and results may be consistent. However, in dynamically changing situations at work, travel, or social engagements we may not be able to get results. We may want to develop some form of flexibility in behavior to manage such situations by learning to:
- Freedom to Choose according to situations.
- Food Substitution
- Breaking Food Combinations
- Developing Taste
Auto Pilot Weight Management Learning
We, humans, are also on auto-pilot most of the time driven by our habits. Through conscious effort when we develop new habits and repeat them, we strengthen the neural pathways in our body.
Understanding the 4 Cs to Autopilot –
- Clarity of Goals,
- Conviction in the Path or process, and
- Change howsoever small a mini habit may be is required to ultimately get tangible results.
- Consistent Development of Good Habits
Consistent Development of Good Habits
Reducing the gap between the information we have at our disposal and how we execute our plans will improve our Consistency.
- Personal Precepts for Weight Management
- Improving mindset
- Improving listening to the body and mind
- Behavior flexibility for any environment
If we can now automatically maintain our weight as it has become a part of us. Maybe you can learn how to help people struggling with weight loss.