8 Simple Principles for major Teenage Challenges

8 teenage parenting solutions

Teenage challenges of your kids can make you stressed. We look at some of these challenges and simple solutions to deal with them. We can understand some universal principles and learn to apply them to the challenges we face as parents. Parenting and Teenage Challenges Being a parent can be a tough job and it … Read Full Article

Emotional Peace – #1 Key for Holistic Health

emotional peace

Learning to manage the mind and emotions leads to emotional peace. Emotional peace in turn helps to sustain holistic health and sustainable happiness. Holistic health is more than just physical well-being. We need to take care of our emotions, and thinking and be in harmony with other beings and the world at large. Without emotional … Read Full Article

Feelings and 3 Natural Paths to a Happier State

Feelings Happiness Natural Paths

What do we understand about feelings? What are emotions? What are sensations? and What is meant by Happiness and how can we be happier? Word Meaning for Feelings and Emotions Merriam-webster dictionary describes emotion as a subjective response to a person, thing, or situation. There are many synonyms mentioned. We have picked some that are … Read Full Article

Manage Anger in 3 Simple Steps

Anger Will Punish You

Manage Anger, or else anger will punish you. We do not punish others with our anger, but ourselves. Understand the effects of anger, and how anger management can help you. No two people will react and feel the same about a situation. If we see something unfair or wrong happening – one person might stand … Read Full Article

Holistic Wellness, Happiness and Growth

For holistic wellness physical wellness, emotional wellness, mental wellness, and spiritual wellness are important. When we lose out on one of these aspects, the balance that we need in life is shaken affecting our happiness.

We need to focus on growth skills to grow in the 4 important dimensions of holistic wellness. Only then can we be physically fit, emotionally at peace, mentally clear, spiritually aware, and achieve true personal growth!

Learning is important for skill development. It is our endeavor to share information and knowledge based on our experience so that we all can lead happier lives. Only holistic personal growth can give us the happiness that we really seek.

There are many business, social, and spiritual organizations and community outreach projects of businesses that are directly or indirectly involved in personal development and personal growth. You can work with one or more of these organizations based on your own needs.

We all are looking to contribute to the greater good in our own different ways. If we can be of service, do let us know.