Learning to manage the mind and emotions leads to emotional peace. Emotional peace in turn helps to sustain holistic health and sustainable happiness.
Holistic health is more than just physical well-being. We need to take care of our emotions, and thinking and be in harmony with other beings and the world at large. Without emotional peace, it is not possible for us to be effective in handling the multiple aspects of our own personality well.
- Emotional peace gives us more time to us to focus on what we really want and helps us to achieve it. Hence it is the #1 key for the holistic development of health.
- Emotional peace is a state of tranquility and inner calmness. It is a state of balance of mind that comes from acceptance of ourselves and the world around us as is in the present moment.
- It is an internal state of our being that allows us to think, feel, and act in a way that is beneficial to our overall well-being. Role of the mind in emotional peace The mind plays an important role in achieving emotional peace.
Emotional Peace
Mind and Emotional Peace
“Mind can be our best friend as well as our worst enemy.”
Managing the mind requires skills that are often not taught in schools and colleges.
- It is important to be mindful of your thoughts and feelings and to practice positive self-talk. It is also important to have a sense of self-awareness and to be aware of your limitations. In order to achieve emotional peace, it is important to focus on the present moment, detach from the outcome of events, and practice self-care.
- To be in a positive state of mind, we need to be aware of our emotions, learn to use our emotions to understand what we really want, focus our energy, and redirect in such a way that we can get traction toward our goals.
- Once we learn to manage the mind, we can achieve emotional peace. Emotional peace helps us to improve our physical health as well.
Calm mind brings inner strength and self-confidence, so that’s very important for good health
Dalai Lama
Habits and Emotional Peace
We can learn to cope with challenges and form habitual responses to deal with our emotions.
- Some of these habitual responses acquired may not be in our best interests. Learning more useful response strategies can help us become more effective and efficient in our lives.
- Effective and efficient responses to emotional challenges help us to attain peace with ourselves and others, leading to better relationships.
- Goals give meaning to our lives. Meeting our goals gives us a sense of fulfillment and increases contentment with our own efforts.
- Contentment in turn leads to the flowering of other positive emotions like gratitude, abundance, and humility.
- Peaceful minds reflect and introspect attaining clarity of vision and purpose, leading to sustainable happiness.
We may need to develop the ability to adopt new behavior strategies. We can always learn from behavior-change ideas.
World Peace and Emotional Peace
We have seen several wars that erupt from time to time affecting millions of families. We all want world peace as an environment of war can add to our stress. The United Nations has declared September 21 as International Peace Day for the advocacy of world peace. Interestingly there are several related observances related to this goal.
- International Day of Conscience
- International Day of Sport for Development and Peace
- International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace
- International Day of Living Together in Peace
- International Day of UN Peacekeepers
- International Day of Non-Violence
- World Science Day for Peace and Development
- International Day of Neutrality
World peace would not be possible without individual peace. We have approximately 800 billion people living on planet Earth. If each one of us makes an effort to improve our emotional health, together we will be contributing to the greater good of world peace.
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