Personal Growth – 5 Pillars for Success in Pursuit of Happiness

We all want to be happier which is where personal growth comes in. To be happy we need to take care of our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Sustainable happiness is only possible if includes all the dimensions of our personality. Focus on holistic growth keeps us happier. Let us now look at the 5 main areas that we need to focus on for maximizing our happiness.

Is Personal Growth a Pursuit of Happiness?

What is the common thread in our drive for growth which leads to acquiring, possessing, or achieving? Is it not a pursuit of happiness? What are the challenges to our happiness? How do we increase happiness in our lives?

Health is Wealth

Knowingly or unknowingly we all are in pursuit of happiness. Our health is very important for our happiness. Health is considered wealth because only a healthy person can enjoy life.

For overall health, we need physical, emotional, and mental health. All the 3 primary components of our health are important for our well-being.

  1. Physical Health,
  2. Emotional Health, and
  3. Intellectual or Mental Health

What else is needed for personal growth?

For our health, comfort, or contentment, we need to engage our bodies. emotions and intellect. Skill development becomes important for survival, personal development, and happiness. Happiness can not be complete if we do not understand the meaning of our lives. The search for meaning often leads people toward spirituality. To maintain the 3 areas of health we need 2 additional focus areas:

  1. Spiritual Awareness
  2. Skills Development

#1 Physical Fitness for Personal Growth

A Healthy Body keeps the Mind Happier. Our bodies are our vehicles for work, enjoyment, and personal growth. Only when you have a healthy body can you have a happy mind! A happy mind leads to a happier life as ‘we are our thoughts’. Physical fitness plays an important role in our overall well-being.

Physical Fitness for Happiness
Physical Health for Personal Growth

#2 Emotional Peace for Personal Growth

Inner Peace and Happiness grow by managing Feelings & Emotions. Learning to be aware of feelings and emotions and using this awareness to navigate our thoughts and actions to maintain a calm mind is essential for self-growth and being happy.

Emotional Health for Personal Growth
Emotional Peace for Happiness

#3 Mental Clarity for Personal Growth.

Clarity leads to the destruction of confusion and improves focus. A focused mind is a happier mind. A happier Mind makes the body healthier.

All situations are temporary. Nothing lasts forever. Our feelings keep changing, but our pursuit of happiness continues even after our happiest moments. Happiness is a choice-less choice once we learn the science and art of being happy. The body of wisdom which gives us the keys to happiness is the science and the art is in emulating the wise.

Intellectual Clarity for Happiness
Intellectual Health for Personal Growth

#4 Spiritual Awareness for Personal Growth

Our quest for Happiness does not end with material comforts. How do we achieve the zenith of happiness, or be on the path to infinite happiness as proclaimed by enlightened masters? 

#5 Skill Development for Personal Growth

What kind of Skills do we need for self-growth and to lead a happier life in different situations?

Most of us need money, good health, work/activity, social connections, and preferably a happy family life. Money is needed for the sustenance of our chosen lifestyle. Good health is needed so that we use our time to fulfill our desires. Work or activity is needed for keeping our minds engaged. Social connectedness brings us happiness and questions. Family life gives us pleasure and consistency of purpose.

Our parents/guardians and our communities nurture our skill development to help us with the journey of life. Gradually we take on the leadership of ourselves and develop ourselves the way we feel it is necessary for our personal development.

Practical skill development can be a lifelong process as we need to keep adapting to the world around us.

Skills for Happiness

Are You Focussing on Personal Growth?

If we look at the world GDP it is around $100 trillion. Personal Development similarly seems like a huge business. The figures sound very huge.

According to WHO estimates, world education expenditure is in the range of 5% of the GDP whereas the personal development industry is estimated between 0.5 % of the world GDP.

Money spent on education is spent in the first 20% of our life span. What about the remaining 80% of our life? Are we investing in our learning and development? Personal Development expenditure is not even 10% of what the world spends on education as a whole.

As a society do we take personal growth and happiness for granted?

We feel that holistic wellness is very important for each and every individual. And through individual wellness, we can hope to have a better understanding and harmony in the world.

“Happiness grows with self-growth until it becomes one with Wisdom”

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Holistic Wellness, Happiness and Growth

For holistic wellness physical wellness, emotional wellness, mental wellness, and spiritual wellness are important. When we lose out on one of these aspects, the balance that we need in life is shaken affecting our happiness.

We need to focus on growth skills to grow in the 4 important dimensions of holistic wellness. Only then can we be physically fit, emotionally at peace, mentally clear, spiritually aware, and achieve true personal growth!

Learning is important for skill development. It is our endeavor to share information and knowledge based on our experience so that we all can lead happier lives. Only holistic personal growth can give us the happiness that we really seek.

There are many business, social, and spiritual organizations and community outreach projects of businesses that are directly or indirectly involved in personal development and personal growth. You can work with one or more of these organizations based on your own needs.

We all are looking to contribute to the greater good in our own different ways. If we can be of service, do let us know.